is a Mirage Networking Limited service.
This policy applies to all services provided by Mirage Networking Limited. Changes
may be made to this policy as needed and without notification. It is your responsibilty
to periodically check this page for updates. This policy was lated updated 20/9/97.
Any violations of this policy may result in:
- Termination
of service without a refund.
- Notification
of law enforcement authorities
- Charges for
repairs to any damage you cause
You are responsible for all use of your account. This responsiblity includes:
- Choosing a password
that is hard to crack.
- Not running
any programs/processes that may damage or slow the service to such an extent
that other users find the system unusable.
The Law...
Use of our service always conforms to all provisions of the law. Some of the more
common violations include:
- Software piracy.
- Copyright infringement.
- Denial-of-service
- Harrassment
and/or threatening behavior.
- Storage and/or
sharing of pornographic and offensive material.
- Unauthorised
access ('hacking') into accounts and/or systems.
We rely on you to use your common sense as we do not have the time to check what
everyone is doing!
Offensive Behaviour...
Able-Towers will not tolerate offensive behavior by users on our systems. Some
examples of offensive behavior include:
- Unsolicited
e-mail advertising.
- Posting advertisements
on newsgroups which are not clearly indicated as allowing.
- Advertising
or 'spamming' with what most would consider to be junk mail.
- Posting or e-mailing
"Make Money Fast" letters.
- Cross posting
articles to large numbers of newsgroups.
- Mail bombing
- sending large files or large quantities of files to someone by e-mail.
- Flooding IRC
WWW Pages/Servers...
We do not regularly examine the content of our customers' web pages. However,
we do have a few requirements they must meet:
- They must be
legal publications i.e. no illegal pornography, obscenity, copyright infringement,
etc. Should we be notified of any violation, we will examine the indicated
pages and take appropriate action.
- Unless other
arrangements have been made, all commercial advertising must be limited to
one business per account. (If the account holder owns/runs more than one business,
all such business may be advertised through the account without need for other
- Able-Towers
operates traffic charges for exceptionally high usage rates of over 50 Megabytes
daily. From experiences with current customers we can say that the majority
of customers will never go beyond these limits and will not be subject to
charges. If you do not wish to pay these fees and are expecting massive levels
of useage on your site we recommend you go for commercial web storage or even
a co-located machine of your own on our link. Please browse our services section
for further details on those services.
UNIX Accounts...
- Only run the
number of background processes allowed for your account or you may find we
have killed all of them. Your background process(es) may be used to run IRC
Bots such as eggdrops or SCREEN. You will need a seperate account type for
IRCD or other servers such as MUDs and MUCKs. Anything else you wish to run
in background will require permission from Able-Towers staff in advance so
please e-mail us first!
- You must provide
your correct username when connecting to any IRC server.
- Follow the rules
of any IRC server you connect to, in addition to our rules.
- Accounts found
with flood scripts or programs will be terminated.
- IRC and other
servers run on our system must be approved by the administration.
- Do not leave
detached screens running on the servers if you do NOT have any background
process allowances spare! ('Screen' users will understand this).
IRC Bots...
IRC bots are allowed on our systems with the follwoing rules:
- The bot must
not be a hack/split/flood/etc. type war bot.
- The bot must
not use large amounts of processor or memory resources. All bots using over
2% of either will be killed on sight. Bots sometimes go stray using massive
amounts of memory. In those cases we will kill the bot and e-mail you. Sometimes
we may see it is appropriate to restart it for you as well.
- If we receive,
and can verify the validity of, any complaints about a bot you run, you will
be notified and must correct the problem or terminate use of that bot.
- Only run a bot
on a server that actually states it allows them!!